Asia covers the widest and most populated continent on the globe. There have been living some central European country relatives here, the people of ancestral Romanian origin. They number 4 times Romania’s people. Here’s a Romanian researcher of the case, Lucian Cueșdean, statement: “Punjabi language of India contains 2000 Romanian words, and many others are Romanian like. This is due to their same Romanian origin, that of a Getic tribe, even if they settled 4500 km. away from this country”.
The first historian of the world, the Greek Herodot (the Vth century BC), confirmed that the Thracians were the most numerous people after the Indians. The Getic tribes, the name the Thracians were also known by, were covering territories from Central Europe to Asia, close to China and India. Any individual that lives today is a historical monument: he has the whole universal evolution as a background, their build like, eyes-, skin- and hair colour, face traits etc. are criteria that contribute to history traces. (Lucian Iosif Cueșdean, [Romanians – The Big Enigma] Românii, O Mare Enigmă, Karat Publishing House, 1996, pp. 5). Punjabi people from Northern India is such a descendant of a Getic tribe settled in Central Asia more than 2500 years ago. These descendants are speaking a very similar language with the European Romanian.
Many Punjabi words are common with the Romanian. 2500 years ago, there was no Roman Empire, therefore, the Gets were speaking a kind of Latin lot before the Roman expanding. Rome became the Roman Empire only after overtaking The Thracian Empire of the Macedonian Filip V (IInd century BC) that was covering lands until the Persian Gulf, Caucasus Mountains and Egypt. And Latin as a language appeared only after and from Balkan Hittites language – Hittite, as well as Greek language (2300 BC). The Greek language is a professional language, as well as the Greek people, created by the Thracian sailors.
The Romanian Doctor and writer has started his research with the Massagetae/Massageteans Great Tribe evidence in Central Asia mentioned by the ancient historians and also named in Evagrius Scholasticus, which was written in the VIth century AD and translated as “The Ecclesiastical History” by E. Walford in 1846, from which we grasp below:
“The present JAD people from Northern India descends from the Massagetae/Massageteans. In Pahalavi language, Mesagetae is translated as The Great Jats”.
Cueșdean continues: “I followed the tracks of this great people, the Jats. The Chinese called them The Yuechi, i.e. Gets/Getae, recording their dominance in Punjabi. A reminder: Geto-Dacian peoples were speaking a common language, as per the antient geographer Strabo (60 BC – 26 AD), i.e. from the Carpathians to Central Asia”, told Lucian Cueșdean.
Because the Gets owned territories from Europe to Asia, because the Punjabi people are their successors, and because the Romanians are, on their turn, the Gets’ successors, dr. Cueșdean was curious enough to check if there is a linguistic link between the two peoples by comparing the words of their languages.
“After 20 years of research I can conclude that the 80 million people of Punjabi community speak an archaic Romanian. They preserved 2000 identical words of the current Romanian, most of which are common with the old Latin. But if Punjabi is an old language spoken by the Gets, that means the Getic peoples were speaking a Latin language before the Roman Empire was even shaping. That means Romanian is older than Latin itself. The finding states that, in an immemorial past, there was a single European language, most likely the archaic Romanian, or Geto-Dacian, and that after a series of migrations and changes, it gave birth to all the so-called Indo-European languages, among which there was also Latin. Therefore, the Dacian-Roman war (85-89 AD, 101-102 AD and 105-106 AD), on the nowadays Romania, was a fratricidal one
Romanian or Aromanian is spoken from the Northern of Adriatic Sea to the Volga River.
Moreover, in the nowadays Kazakhstan there are officially recorded 20 000 speakers of Romanian”, declared Cueșdean.
“Jean Carpantier, Guido Manselli, Marco Merlini, Gordon Childe, Marija Gimbutas, Yannick Rialland, M. Riehmschneider, Louis de la Valle Poussin, Olaf Hoekman, John Mandis, William Schiller, Raymond Dart, Lucian Cuesdean, Sbierea, A. Deac, George Denis, Mattie M.E., N. Densuseanu, B.P. Hajdeu, P Bosch, W. Kocka, Vladimir Gheorghiev, H. Henchen, B.V. Gornung, V Melinger, E. Michelet, A. Mozinski, W. Porzig, A. Sahmanov, Hugo Schmidt, W. Tomaschek, F.N. Tretiacov are among the huge number of specialists which consider Romania the place of other Europeans origins and Romanian the oldest language in Europe, older even than Sanskrit. According to the researchers and scientists, the Latin comes from the old Romanian (or Thracian) and not vice versa. The so-called “Slavic” words are in fact pure Romanian words. The so-called Vulgar Latin is in fact an old Romanian, or Thracian language, according to the same sources…”, proves the researcher.
The closest language to the Romanian peasants’ language is the Sanskrit, known also as “the gods language”. There are lots of Romanian words that anyone can find in Sanskrit, some even identical. The Gets of the old Danubian civilization are the ones that got into India as the so-called Indo-Europeans, and also into the Italian “boot” with their Latin altogether, processed by the Roman poets. The Latin of Romanian is 1000 years older than Rome, because Sanskrit contains the original Romanian words. There, in Indo-European and Sanskrit, you can find APA (i.e. water), SUARE (i.e sun), SUTA (i.e. hundred) and not the processed Latin words AQUA, SOL, CENTUM. (Lucian Iosif Cueșdean [Romanian Language Does Not Come From Rome] Limba Rumânilor Nu Se Trage de la Roma, pp. 72-79).
In the limits of the language, Cueșdean presents a list of just a few (out of thousands of words), which are very similar/ even identical in Romanian and Sanskrit:
- Romanian numerals: unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci, șase, șapte…100 = suta
- Sanskrit numerals: unu, dvi, tri, ciatru, penci, sas, saptan…100 = satan
- then Romanian Sanskrit: acasă – acasha (at home), acu – acu (now), lup – lup ( wolf), a iubi (considered of slave origin) – iub (love), frate – vrate (brother), cameră – camera (room), limbă – lamba (tongue), nepot – napat (nephew), mândru – mandra (proud), luptă – lupta (fight), pandur – pandur (infanterist), nevastă – navasti (wife), prieten – prietema (friend), prânz – prans (lunch time), Rumân – Ramana (Romanian), săptămână – saptnahan (week), struguri – strughuri (grapes), vale – vale (valley), vădana – vadana (widow), a zâmbi – dzambaiami (to smile), umbră – dumbra (shadow), om – om (man-kind), dușman – dusman (enemy), a învăța – invati (to study), a crăpa – crapaiami (to break something), naiba – naiba (evil), apă – apa (water), and not AQUA like in Latin. It looks like “aqua” came from “apă” and not the other way around… and so on for more than thousand situations… (Lucian Iosif Cueșdean [Romanian Language Does Not Come From Rome] Limba Rumânilor Nu Se Trage de la Roma, pp. 80).
Lucian Iosif Cueșdean is a Doctor in Medical Sciences. Before 1989, he worked several years in Libya. He started there his encounter into the fact that the Dacians were thought to give up their language in favour of Latin while the Libyans did not. In 1990, studying the whole historiography related to the Gets, he had been encountered with the Massagetae/Massageteans data, which led him to its successors, the Punjabi people.
The theory can be checked easily on the internet, through machine translation of Romanian words into English and then from English into Punjabi.
BĂIAT (BET, in Punjabi), SEACĂ (SUKKA, in Punjabi), USCA (SUKKA, in Punjabi), JUNE (JUAN, in Punjabi), PANDUR (PANDERU, in Punjabi), NUNTĂ (NEUNDA, in Punjabi), MĂLAI-et (păstos, i.e. paste, in English), făină de MĂLAI, de mă-MĂLI-gă păstoasă, MĂLAI (MĂLAI, pastă mălăiață, cremă, înghețată, in Punjabi), etc. Mălăieț, mămăligă, mălai, are exclusively Romanian words, but we can find them hundreds of kilometres away, in the Indian and Pakistani Punjabi, with toponyms in Romanian, that have Romanian historical value, as Hans Krahe considers, like in: GÂLGÂIT BALTI-s-tan, La HORE, DELI, BANN, TRAG, ZOB, MULTAN, BELAN, GAIA, PATNA, IASC, CAR ACI, DACCA, SURATA, TOPTI, GATII, CALCATA (Calcutta, in English pronuntiation) (Lucian Iosif Cueșdean [Romanian Language Does Not Come From Rome] Limba Rumânilor Nu Se Trage de la Roma, pp. 22).
Stem morphemes are word roots, lexemes, encoded: a root like NOA and a root like PTE= NOA+PTE; NOA derives from the word NOU and PTE from the word ru-PTE, ru-PTU-ra. NOU is “NAI”, in German, NUOVO – in Latin, NOVAIA – in Russian, “NIU” in English, “NUVEL” – in French and NAWAN in Massa-Get. We are told that NOU was learnt by us from the Emperor Trajan, but where did the Massa-gets and the Russians take the NAWAN and NOVAIA (nou) from? NOU is certified as Latin etymon, but this was found to the Massa-gets that arrived in Punjabi, where the Romans had never arrived.
The Romanian “Latin”, with APĂ (water), AER (air), SOARE (sun), ELEMENTE ALE NATURII (natural phenomena), etc., is older than Rome itself and that itself is written in the Indian Vedas, where we can’t find any trace of AQUA, SOLIS or CENTUM. The Romanian SUT- is recorded and documented in Sanskrit 1000 years before the Roman Latin KENTUM (SEnTUm), as well as the Romanian Latin SOARE (suare, actually), before the Roman Latin SOL, -lis. The reversed changing of “P” in “C” gets not only from Romanian NOAPTE to the Indo-European “primary” “NACTA”, but also from Romanian Latin APA to the Roman Latin “ACUA”, from the Romanian Latin PATRU to the Roman Latin “CATRO”, as well as to the Russian Slavic CETÂRE.
Romanian is the language of Lower Danube Culture, the oldest European civilization, proof of this being not only the language recorded on the Sinaia Tables or the Tărtăria Tables dated 7300 years ago (c. 5300 BC), but also the Cucuteni ceramic and statuettes (5500 – 2750 BC) and Sarmisegetuza Regia site – the former Dacian capital city from Romania (82 BC – 106 AD).
- Carme Jimenez Huertas (2013) We Don’t Come From Latin/No Venimos Del Latin/Nu venim din latina, http://carmejhuertas.blogspot.com/
- Lucian Iosif Cueșdean (1996) [Romanians – The Big Enigma] Românii, O Mare Enigmă, Karat Publishing House
- Lucian Iosif Cueșdean (2012) [Romanian Language Does Not Come From Rome] Limba Rumânilor Nu Se Trage de la Roma
- There are Archaic Romanian Language Speakers in Asia – https://identitatea.ro/in-asia-traiesc-vorbitori-de-limba-romana-arhaica/
- https://www.britannica.com/topic/Getae
- https://www.jatland.com/home/Getae
- https://spartacus.fandom.com/wiki/Getae
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getae
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massagetae
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajan%27s_Dacian_Wars
- https://identitatea.ro/in-asia-traiesc-vorbitori-de-limba-romana-arhaica/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hittites
- https://www.britannica.com/place/Dacia#ref1214614
- https://www.britannica.com/topic/Thracian
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Krahe
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marija_Gimbutas
- Tărtăria Tablets – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321128252_4_Tartaria_Tablets_The_Latest_Evidence_in_an_Archaeological_Thriller/link/5fddad9345851553a0ce23ce/download
- Tărtăria Tablets – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268870707_New_archaeological_data_refering_to_Tartaria_tablets
- Eugen Nicolaescu (2015) [Lead Words. Sinaia Plates – Intermediary Reading] Vorbele din Plumb. Placuțele de la Sinaia – Lectură intermediară, Semne Publishing House
- Sinaia Lead Plates – 5. Plăcuţele de la Sinaia – similitudini – Seimeni – de la piatra şlefuită la fier (google.com)
- Cucuteni Culture – https://ceramica.fandom.com/wiki/Cultura_de_Cucuteni
- Sarmisegetuza Regia – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owY4ZO6BOqg
- https://juliasomething.com/sarmizegetusa-regia-romania/
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